The Black Board

We wanted to start an extended family blog in order to help all of us stay a little more connected. Please check in as often as you would like to catch up on what's happening in the lives of your extended family and t0 share what is going on with yours.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Remebering Grandma Black

As I was looking through photos and trying to figure out how to blog, I found these great pictures of Grandma Black. There are so many days that my girls and I sit around and share our fun memories of her. I am so thankful to have such a wonderful heritage! We love her and Grandpa so much!

Tiff & Chicks

We Survived!

Our first attempt at Blogging?!? We just finished our first week at school! I don't know who was most excited--mom or the girls--probably mom! Anyway, everyone survived and enjoyed it.

I have got a lot of tough muscles carrying 21 lb. Macie this week. With double eye infection, double ear infection, teeth coming in and fevers--she wasn't the "happiest camper" and only wanted mom!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Black Family Reunion 2007!

Thanks again to Uncle Dale and Aunt Marlene for putting together such a great family reunion! Our family had a great time. Here are just a few of our picks from the reunion. Please share yours with the family too!

-Kirk, Alyson and the Girls

cute cousins

Mom's new business venture!
Coming soon to Panaca!

Aquarium fun...Don't fall in!
